All Your Pet Care Needs,
All in One Place
Whether large, small, social or solo, Pet Paradise Resort and Day Spa® gives all dogs and cats a vacation of their own. Our complete pet health care experience combines quality care and convenience, so you can be a brag-worthy pet parent.
*Services and pricing vary by location. Please check the location page of your neighborhood Pet Paradise for more information.
FAQsDog Boarding
Air-conditioned suites, raised beds and deluxe bedding – nothing but the best for your best friend.
Cat Boarding
Feline friends of any nature find our peaceful, private cat condos to be "purrr-fect."
Day Camp
We're told pets sleep better after a fun-filled day camp at Pet Paradise. Need we say more?
Whether staying with us or just dropping off for a touch-up, your pet will enjoy looking and feeling their best.
NewDay Veterinary Care
Our in-house veterinary clinics promise a comprehensive experience that's all about keeping your pet happy and healthy.
Dog Training
Bring the best of your pup out with our Board-and-Train program led by our certified trainers.