August is a month of wellness centered in Paradise. Throughout the month, we’ll share pet health tips and tricks on our Instagram and Facebook feeds, as well as blogs relating to your pet’s health and happiness! Be on the lookout for these icons throughout the month:

Mindful Monday posts are centered around things to keep in mind. These could be reminders to update your pet’s vaccines, to update their microchip, or even just a reminder to give your pet some extra love!

Wellness Wednesday posts focus on your pet’s overall health, from highlighting grooming and its benefits for your pet’s skin to talking about the importance of socialization at day camp. On Wellness Wednesdays, we also touch on our veterinary care offerings and our comprehensive Wellness Plans.

Fitness Friday is all about keeping your fur baby active and happy. We’ll share tips on best activities for senior dogs, how swimming benefits your dog’s muscle health and so much more!
How does your pet stay healthy and active? Share your photos and videos and tag @petparadiseresort so we can share!